Thursday, November 28, 2013

"What if today, we were just thankful for everything?" -Charlie Brown

Thanksgiving: Complete.  
26 days until Christmas.

     Another Thanksgiving has come and gone, and there is so much to be thankful for.  I am so thankful for my family.  I am so Thankful for my friends.  I am so thankful for our freedom, and for the soldiers who have fought for it; the soldiers who have given the ultimate sacrifice for it; and the soldiers who are fighting for it right now.  Please especially keep those soldiers and their families in your prayers, especially during the holiday season when they cannot be with their families.  

     Even though Thanksgiving is over now, the time to be Thankful is not.  When is the time to be thankful? All the time. Keep the attitude.  The attitude of gratitude.   All year long.  It makes such a huge impact upon your own life and also the lives of those you come in contact with.  Have the attitude and spread the attitude, we need to start an epidemic! 

     So here's a little overview of our Thanksgiving,   We had some family and some great family friends over to celebrate with us! We had most of the food ready the day before, (If you didn't do that this year, do it next year, because that was really great) so we went to church in the morning and then met up with our cousins, came home and got the turkey (Which we forgot about and were frantically trying different ways to thaw out the day before, but it was really very delicious!) in the oven and did all of the other last minute preparations.  Then our friends came over and we did some cookie decorating and set up a little photo booth,(really just a Thanksgiving tablecloth nailed to the wall.  So easy and so fun, the kids loved it!)and the kids played in the snow.  A good time was had by all! 


And then there was the cookie decorating…

Out in the family room...

     Around 7:30 when we were cleaning up, Becca, Aunt Shelley and I decided to go black Friday shopping.  So we finished cleaning up, hopped in the car and drove to town.  The store opened at 8:00, and we got there just in time to stand in the line that wrapped around the building in freezing weather for a few minutes! And we enjoyed every minute of it! 

     After we finished at Target, (which took us no longer than 40 minutes, because we are very efficient shoppers and everything went very smoothly) we headed to Old Navy and Michaels.  Old Navy was packed.  Michaels was empty.  I mean empty.  It was open, but it was empty.  When you think of Black Friday, don't you think immediately of going to get crafts? Crazy people.  

     Oh, Christmas is next.  

     CHRISTMAS IS NEXT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's time to put out your trees, decorate your house, listen to Christmas music, and spread the hope, joy, and love that this season is all about! This is a very special time, and so much can be done with it.   You can do so much with it.  What will you do with your time? 

I hope that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I am thankful for all of you.  Thank you for reading! Check back soon for more! 

Rachel Merry



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